International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

Basic Information

International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone layer is an annual event observed on 16 September to educate people about the importance of environment and the significant means to protect it.

Observed on: 16 September

Organized by: UN, UNEP

Introduced in: 1994 (UN Resolution)

Observed: Worldwide

About International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

The Ozone Layer is the protective layer of naturally occurring gas, comprised of three atoms of oxygen found about 10 – 15 km above the earth’s surface that protects us from the harmful ultraviolet radiation or UV-B rays of Sun. Scientist in the 1970 found that the layer was thinning and later found an Ozone Hole developed due to the presence of CFC’s. This compels nations to work together and framework co-operative activities to protect and preserve of ozone layer.

On December 19, 1994 United Nations General Assembly designated 16 September as International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. The decision was made in commemoration of the date, in 1987, on which nations signed the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer.

International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer focuses on the importance of protecting human health and the environment.

Activities and Programs on World Ozone Layer

Different community groups, individuals, government and non-government organizations, schools and colleges, and local organizations conduct many programs on this day to raise awareness about depletion of ozone layer. Campaigns are launching worldwide for promoting ozone friendly products and increase public awareness for the preservation of ozone layer.

Special programs, gatherings, events, seminars, and conferences are conducting on this day to spread the awareness about the preservation of ozone layer. The program also includes distribution of UNEP’s (UN Environment Program) public awareness posters and messages through social media and internet.

Awards and prizes are given on this day to those who worked hard to protect the earth’s ozone layer. Special educational programs are there to address the topics about the earth’s ozone layer. There is an E-Cards Program which encouraging people to send e-cards to their friends and colleagues. There are short animation films on ozone are also shown to raise public awareness.

The programs conducted worldwide shows some result as the abundance of ozone-depleting substances in the atmosphere is declining.

Theme for International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer 2020 Theme is “Ozone for life

International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer 2019 Theme was “32 Years and Healing

Ozone Day 2018 Theme was “Keep Cool and Carry on: Montreal Protocol

2017 Theme: Caring For All Life under the Sun

2016 Theme: Celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Vienna convention for the protection of the Ozone Layer, Slogan: Ozone and climate: Restored by a world united

2015 Theme: Ozone: All there is between You and UV

2014 Theme: Ozone Layer Protection: The Mission Goes On

2013 Theme: A Healthy Atmosphere, the Future We Want

2012 Theme: Protecting our atmosphere for generations to come

2011 Theme: HCFC phase-out: A unique opportunity

2010 Theme: Ozone Layer Protection: Governance and Compliance at Their Best

2009 Theme: Universal Participation: Ozone Protection Unifies the World

2008 Theme: Montreal Protocol – Global Partnership for Global Benefits

2007 Theme: Celebrating 20 years of progress in 2007

2006 Theme: Protect the Ozone Layer: Save Life on Earth

2005 Theme: Act Ozone Friendly: Stay Sun Safe

2004 Theme: Save O3ur Sky: Ozone Friendly Planet, Our Target

2003 Theme: Save O3ur Sky: There is a Hole Lot More to Do for Our Children

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