Introduction to Rural Management Career
Rural development has significant importance in the development of a country, especially for those countries whose large population is living in rural areas. So, a country like India, where there is high rural population, the opportunities for rural management career are wide.
What is Rural Management?
Rural management simply means to apply modern management techniques and ideas in the rural context. It involves all project management steps like planning, organizing, directing and controlling. The difference in here is that to apply these in rural management perspective, which includes working of co-operatives as well as agriculture and allied fields, which are common in rural areas.
Roles and Responsibilities
Role of rural management professionals is to assist the economically backward rural population in their process of development. Rural managers role is to adapt latest technology and management procedure in rural development. That is, to help rural people to manage rural resource effectively for the development. This can only be achieved by planning and execution of rural development schemes and programs effectively. Other than this many are work in this field as policy makers, analysts, consultants, etc. This job requires extensive travel and field work.
Educational Qualification Required for Rural Management Career
There are Bachelor and Post graduate courses are available in rural management. One can obtain admission to these courses in different colleges by entrance test.
Skills and Knowledge Required for Rural Management Career
Rural management career not only require knowledge in management and economics, it require special mind set and concern about the nation’s development and poor people’s development. They should also have good communication skills, especially to interact with rural people. It is important to have managerial skills, leadership skills, decision making ability, planning and execution skills, analytical skills, problem solving skills, etc.
How to become Rural Management Professional?
There are many courses available in rural management. MBA courses are there which offer rural management or rural development as one of the major areas or specialization. This course is one of the most opted courses in rural management.
Where do I get the Job?
There are many opportunities available in this sector as government is investing a huge amount in the upliftment of rural population. Along with that many non-government organizations, voluntary agencies, private companies, banks, co-operative societies, etc. are also involved in many programs. You could also get jobs in many fields includes micro finance, agri-business, rural marketing, NGO management, etc.