Day of the Seafarer

Day of the Seafarer

Basic Information

Day of the Seafarer is an annual event observed on 25 June to give thanks to seafarers for their contribution to the world economy and the civil society; and for the risks and personal costs they bear while on their jobs.

Observed on: June 25

Organized by: UN, IMO

Introduced in: 2011 (First Observation)

Observed: Worldwide

About Day of the Seafarer

Every year June 25 is observed as the Day of the Seafarer. This day is observed to give thanks to seafarers for their contribution to the world economy and the civil society; and for the risks and personal costs they bear while on their jobs.

In 2010, the International Maritime Organization (IMO), decided to observe every year June 25 as the Day of the Seafarer. The first observance was made in 2011.

Activities and Programs on the Day

Social media campaigns and other campaigns are made as part of this observation to support seafarers and thank them for their work. Programs are arranged by IMO based on a theme selected for the year. Different competitions like photo competition are conducting on this day to promote the theme. Film presentations and other exhibitions are conducting to show the importance and role of seafarer for civil society.

IMO encourages social media campaign on this day with hashtags or twitter handles. #SeafarersDay is using as hashtags for this day. Theme based hashtags are also using for specific year.

Theme for the Day of the Seafarer

Day of Seafarer 2020 Theme is “Seafarers are Key Workers

Day of the Seafarer 2019 Theme was “I Am On Board with gender equality

2018 Theme was “Seafarers’ well-being

2017 Theme: Seafarers Matter

2016 Theme: At Sea For All

2015 Theme: A Career At Sea

2014 Theme: Seafarers brought me….

2013 Theme: Faces of the Sea

2012 Theme: IMO: One hundred years after the Titanic (Focus on safety of life at sea)

Click here for List of Important Days or UN Observations

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