International Widows Day

International Widows Day

Basic Information

International Widows Day is an annual event observed on 23 June to address the poverty and injustice faced by millions of widows and their dependents in many countries.

Observed on: June 23

Organized by: UN

Introduced in: 2010 (UN Declaration)

Observed: Worldwide

About International Widows Day

Every year June 23 is observed as International Widows Day. This day is observed to address the poverty and injustice faced by millions of widows and their dependents in many countries.

This Day was first established by The Loomba Foundation to raise awareness of the issue of widowhood. The date June 23 is that day in 1954 Shrimati Pushpa Wati loomba, mother of the foundation’s founder, Lord Loomba, became a widow.

On December 2010, the United Nations General Assembly adopted June 23 as International Widow Day. The day was first observed by Loomba foundation in 2005 and first UN accepted International Widow Day was observed in 2011, June 23.

Activities and Programs on Widows Day

There are many programs and activities are conducted across the world by different organizations and NGOs to mark this day. Fund raising programs are conducted to support widows and orphans, displaying movies about the life of a widow, social media awareness campaigns, etc. are some of them.

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