International Day of Sport for Development and Peace

International Day of Sport for Development and Peace

Basic Information about IDSDP

International Day of Sport for Development (IDSDP) and Peace is observed as an annual event on April 6 to give positive attitude towards development and peace through sporting events.

Observed on: April 6

Organized by: UN, UNESCO

Introduced in: 2013 (UN Proclamation)

Observed: Worldwide

About International Day of Sport for Development and Peace

Every Year April 6 is observed as International Day of Sport for Development and Peace. It aims to give positive attitude towards development and peace through sporting events.

Sports has always been a cost-effective tool in promoting peace and development. Because of its vast each, popularity, acceptance among people without any differentiation sports is a good tool to attract young people into the objective of sustainable development and peace. Sports is one of the effective and low-cost tools for humanitarian and peace building efforts.

The date has a historical link to the inauguration day of first modern Olympic Games held at Athens (Greece) in 1896. On August 23, 2013 United Nations General Assembly proclaimed April 6 as International Day of Sport for Development and Peace (IDSDP) and observed on every year since 2014.

Activities and Programs on IDSDP

There are many varieties of activities and programs conducted on this day. Many organizations include United Nations Office on Sports for Development and Peace, sports related organizations, non-government organizations, civil society, participated on this days observation to raise awareness about the day and its importance.

Sporting events are arranged to give opportunities to play together and share together. It also gives opportunities to express humanitarian concern towards each other.

Click here for the list of important days / UN Observances.

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