World Day for Audiovisual Heritage

World Day for Audiovisual Heritage

Basic Information

World Day for Audiovisual Heritage is observed on 27 October to protect and safeguard of audiovisual like film, television, radio, etc.

Observed on: 27 October

Organized by: UN, UNESCO, CCAAA

Introduced in: 2007 (First Observation)

Observed: Worldwide

About World Day for Audiovisual Heritage

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) decided to observe October 27 as the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage. The day aims at protect and safeguard the heritage of audiovisual like film, television, radio etc. This is done by build global awareness of issues on preserving audiovisual material, such as sound recordings and moving images. The first Audiovisual Heritage Day was observed on 27 October 2007.

Coordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations (CCAAA) also plays major role in the observation.

Activities and Programs on Audiovisual Heritage Day

Programs and activities like competitions to promote Audiovisual Heritage, Panel discussions, conferences, public talks, seminars, and special exhibitions are conducted on this day. Coordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations (CCAAA) also conducts programs to mark this day. On this day programs are also conduct to honor audiovisual preservation professionals and institutions that safeguard our heritage for future generations.

Theme for World Day for Audiovisual Heritage

World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2020 Theme is “Your Window to the World

World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2019 Theme was “Engage the Past Through Sound and Images

Audiovisual Heritage Day 2018 Theme was “Your Story is Moving

2017 Theme: Discover, remember and share

2016 Theme: It’s your story – don’t lose it

2015 Theme: Archives at risk: protecting the world’s identities

2014 Theme: Archives at Risk: much more to do

2013 Theme: Saving Our Heritage for the Next Generation

2012 Theme: Audiovisual heritage memory? The clock is ticking

2011 Theme: Audiovisual Heritage: See, Hear, and Learn

2010 Theme: Save and Savour your Audiovisual Heritage – Now

Click here for List of Important Days or UN Observations

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