World Diabetes Day

World Diabetes Day

Basic Information

World Diabetes Day is observed on November 14 to raise awareness of the effects of diabetes and its complications among people.

Observed on: 14 November

Organized By: UN, WHO, IDF

Introduced in: 1991 (By IDF), 2006 (UN Declaration)

Observed: Worldwide

About World Diabetes Day

First World Diabetes Day (WDD) was observed in 1991 by IDF (International Diabetic Federation) and World Health Organization (WHO) in response to growing concerns about escalating health threats posed by diabetes. On December 20, 2006, the United Nations designated November 14 as World Diabetes Day by a resolution (61/225).

The observation aimed to raise awareness of diabetes, its prevention and complications and the care that people with the condition need. The observation is also aimed to increase awareness of the effects of diabetes and its complications among the general population and professionals in a range of sectors.

The date November 14 is important as it is the birthday of Frederick Banting who along with Charles Best, first conceived the idea which led to the discovery of insulin in 1922.

Activities and Programs on the Day

World Diabetes Day is celebrated all over the world by the International Diabetes Federation and its member associations around the world. Governments, non-governmental organizations, medical and social associations, companies, healthcare professionals are conducting events and programs to raise awareness about diabetes and its complications.

This day is observed with different programs like conferences, workshops, seminars, programs and awareness in local and national media and also in internet, sports events, medical camps for diabetes persons, public information meetings, walks, runs, human blue circles, etc.

Every year the day is observed with a theme to focus on different factors of importance related to diabetes.

Theme for World Diabetes Day

World Diabetes Day 2020 Theme is “The Nurse and Diabetes

World Diabetes Day 2019 Theme was “The Family and Diabetes

Diabetes Day 2018 Theme was “The Family and Diabetes

2017 Theme: Women and diabetes – our right to a healthy future

2016 Theme: Eyes on Diabetes

2015 Theme: Healthy Eating

2014 Theme: Go Blue for Breakfast

2009 – 2013 Theme: Protect our Future: Diabetes Education and Prevention

2007 – 2008 Theme: Diabetes in Children and Adolescents

2006 Theme: Diabetes in the Disadvantaged and the Vulnerable

2005 Theme: Diabetes and Foot Care

2004 Theme: Fight Obesity – Prevent Diabetes

2003 Theme: Diabetes and Kidneys

2002 Theme: Your Eyes and Diabetes

2001 Theme: Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease

2000 Theme: Diabetes and Lifestyle in the New Millennium

1999 Theme: The Costs of Diabetes

1998 Theme: Diabetes and Human Rights

1997 Theme: Global Awareness: Our Key to a Better Life

1996 Theme: Insulin for Life!

1995 Theme: The Price of Ignorance

1994 Theme: Diabetes and Growing Older

1993 Theme: Growing Up with Diabetes

1992 Theme: Diabetes: A Problem of All Ages in All Countries

1991 Theme: Diabetes Goes Public

Click here for List of Important Days or UN Observations

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