World Soil Day

World Soil Day

Basic Information

World Soil Day is observed on December 5 to spread awareness and raise the need of protecting soil.

Observed on: 5 December

Organized by: UN, FAO

Introduced in: 2012 (First Observation)

Observed: Worldwide

About Soil Day

Soil is important for our survival. The soil degradation and erosion is occurred due to deforestation, use of so many pesticides, unscientific use of fertilizers, pollution, etc. This raises the need of protecting our soil that is why we should dedicate a day for soil.

In June 2013, Foood and Agricultural Organization (FAO) Conference unanimously endorsed World Soil Day and requested official adoption at the UN General Assembly. United Nations 68th General Assembly declared the 5th December as World Soil Day in December 2013.

This day corresponded with the birthday of Thai king Bhumibol Adulyadej, who officially sanctioned the event and promotes soil science and soil resource conservation. The first of this day was observed on 5 December, 2012.

Activities and Programs on Soil Day

The message will be spread through social media and internet. Many discussions, posters are also used to spread the message and need of preserving soil.

Many soil scientists celebrate this day with different events. Many observe this day not only to celebrate soil but also to teach farmers about proper soil management. Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of United Nations take initiative in celebrating this day with many programs and theme.

Theme for World Soil Day

World Soil Day 2020 Theme is “Keep soil alive, protect soil biodiversity

World Soil Day 2019 Theme was “Stop Soil Erosion, Save our Future!

Soil Day 2018 Theme was “Be the Solution to Soil Pollution!

2017 Theme: Caring for the Planet starts from the Ground

2016 Theme: Soils and pulses, a symbiosis for life

2015 Theme: Soils, a solid ground for life

2014 Theme: Soils, foundation for family farming

Click here for List of Important Days or UN Observations

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