How to Prepare for CSE Prelims

How to prepare for CSE prelims?


Civil Services Examination (CSE) is a competitive examination for various prestigious posts like Indian Administrative Services (IAS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS), Indian Police Service (IPS), etc. The exam pattern consists of three stages namely, Preliminary Examination, Mains Written Examination and Personality Test (Interview). Here we are discussing how to prepare for CSE prelims?

CSE prelims are very competitive as the aspirants for CSE are much more. About 10 lakhs candidates apply and about 5 lakhs attend CSE preliminary examination every year. Only 10 to 12 times the number of vacancies are selecting for the mains written examination. That is only around 7500 to 15000 candidates will be selected. So proper strategy and effort are needed to succeed in CSE preliminary examination.

Before going to read how to prepare for CSE prelims, it is essential to understand the exam pattern for CSE preliminary examination. Read our article Civil Services Examination (CSE) Exam Pattern.

How to Prepare for CSE Prelims?

Here we give few guidelines that will help you prepare for CSE preliminary examination.

1. Start your preparation in advance

Preparation for CSE preliminary examination must start well in advance. Prepare according to the syllabus. You can only cover the whole syllabus only if you prepare well in advance. This is because the CSE preliminary examination syllabus is vast so you need proper time to cover the entire syllabus.

2. Include in daily timetable

Since it is a competitive exam, you need to give time to both prelims as well as mains in your preparation. Don’t take preliminary examination simply and study for mains only. Give proper time to prelims also in your daily planner. Every day you must give proper time to preliminary examinations. A daily timetable can give you a concentrated approach and help covering entire syllabus. This will also makes sure that you got enough practice before the exam.

3. Update your current affairs and GK

Current affairs and GK are much important for preliminary examination. It is important for you to update your current affairs and GK for prelims examination. You need to read daily newspaper, latest economic surveys, articles on political changes, economic activities, etc. The knowledge must be of national as well as international importance.

4. Make reading a habit

Reading must be made as a habit for CSE aspirants. The reading must include daily newspaper, NCERT text books, latest economic articles, weekly, etc. A reading habit will improve your current affairs knowledge as well as your pattern of language. This is essential for mains written examination as well as personality test (interview).

5. Make your own notes

You may have study materials for your syllabus. But it is important to have a note of your own. A note prepared by you can help you in many ways while writing CSE preliminary. It can also help you in last-minute revision at the time of examination. You should also make note of important points from what ever you read.

6. Take proper guidance

If you can take proper guidance from an experienced person, it is always wise. Proper guidance can help you to stay focus, avoid time wastage, give information about correct books and materials, what to read, how to make notes, and how to prepare well. A best strategy can be developed by proper guidance and advice.

7. Mock tests

It is important to take mock tests for proper CSE prelims preparation. This helps you to understand the pattern of questions that asks in the exams. This can be of both section wise and also paper wise. Solving previous year question paper can help you in time management as well as checking your knowledge in various sections. If you identify a weaker section for you, prepare that section again.

8. Be healthy

I always say, be healthy. If your health get disturbed, your preparation will disturbed. You should have proper sleep, proper exercises, good eating habits, etc. in your life. Be confident and stress free while preparation and during exam period.

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